उदयपुर – विकास की आँधी में अतीत गुम

Sahelion ki bariउदयपुर शहर, जो अपने प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य, झीलों, बाग-बगीचों, शौर्यपूर्ण इतिहास और सौहार्दपूर्ण वातावरण के लिये विश्व प्रसिद्ध है, अनियोजित विकास की ऑंधी में अपनी यह पहचान खोता जा रहा है। वास्तविकता यह है कि जो पर्यटक आते हैं वे यहॉं के नैसर्गिक सौंदर्य और यहॉं की स्थानीय शैली में निर्मित पुराने भवन, झरोखे, गोखड़े आदि देखने में रुचि रखते हैं न कि नव निर्मित कॉम्प्लेक्सों या बंगलों को। अगर विकास की आँधी में हम अपना अतीत नहीं संभाल पाए तो यहॉं का आकर्षण ही समाप्त हो जायगा।

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Unrecorded Burial of a Rare Historical Canal Siphon Structure at Udaipur

Siphon Tri-section, UdaipurWe have a place called Siphon (without any siphon) at the northern entry point of Udaipur city. This name is based on a more than 100 years old water carrying structure,  Siphon, connected with the canal system of Fatah Saagar Lake.  This structure has been demolished in stages for road widening which is unrecorded. It was a rare structure built in lime surkhi mortar stone masonry (without cement or R.C.C.) carrying canal water under pressure below the road without any leakage. Had it been retained by making a circle at the road bifurcation, it could have proved an example of past technology and a study object. We can even now review our development projects and plan to retain such historical structures. Full article is available below.

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Posted in ENGLISH SECTION (अंग्रेज़ी प्रभाग), Our UDAIPUR | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments


IMG_0374The historical lakes of Udaipur, namely Peechola – Swaroop Saagar and Fatah Saagar are more than a century old. Filling them above original design full tank level on public demand or over enthusiasm may prove to be a threat to safety. The free board above design full tank level is already less than the present design requirements and the practice of encroaching it by putting up sand bags or wooden planks for petty additional storage is already showing danger signs – there is clear and visible surface seepage over concreted surface of Fatah Saagar paal (earthen backing of Face Wall) and there is abnormal excessive seepage just downstream of Bari Paal (main Double face wall earthen dam of Peechola – Swaroop Saagar). This article deals with the hidden danger to the safety of these dams.

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दुबई का विलक्षण जल प्रबंधन


 Artificial Lake with Walk Way in a Multi Story Buildings Area, JLT, Dubaiमध्य एशिया के उभरते अमीरात, दुबई में नगणय जल स्त्रोत होने के बावजूद वहाँ माँग से अधिक जलापूर्ति की व्यवस्था है। यहाँ जगह जगह कृतिम झीलें बनाई जा रही हैं और नीम, पीपल व बरगद जैसे दीर्घायु पेड़ लगाए जा रहे हैं। लगभग तीन चौथाई व्यर्थ जल को उपचारित कर उसका पुन: उपयोग कृतिम झीलों को भरा रखने व बाग बगीचों की  सिंचाई करने के लिये किया जा रहा है जिससे वहाँ के पर्यावरण में उल्लेखनीय सुधार हुआ है। भारत जैसे देश इससे शिक्षा ग्रहण कर सकते हैं। प्रामाणिक आंकड़ों के साथ विस्तृत लेख आगे प्रस्तुत है।

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De-silting work at Peechola Lake (2010), Udaipur, India

Desilting is becoming a major component of any Lake Conservation Project now a days. The basic reasons given for necessity of desilting are – increasing the storage capacity and checking eutrophic conditions.

As it is not practicable to reverse the slow process of silting in the bed of lakes through which only silt can be removed, there is no word like ‘desilting’ in any standard English dictionary. What we are doing in the name of ‘desilting’ is practically ‘digging’ or ‘excavation’ of lake bed. By so called desilting, the original lake bed is disturbed which has far reaching adverse effects on the performance of the lake. Most visible effect is the increase in percolation rate resulting in heavy seepage losses through the lake bed as observed after massive desilting at Pushkar lake in 2009.

Increasing storage capacity by digging lake bed is the most costly proposal when compared to other alternatives and therefore needs study of alternatives as well as detailed hydrological investigations considering available yield, existing storage capacity, down-stream needs, etc. As overflowing of a lake is necessary to keep the river alive in the downstream and to flush out the static water of the lake, if a lake does not overflow at least once in four years on an average, there is no need to increase the storage capacity. Instead of desilting, the long term solution is to treat the catchment area so that silt load in the incoming flow is permanently reduced. This can be done by contour bunding, check dams, massive plantation, etc. which will be less costly but will have far reaching positive effects of permanent nature.

Desilting, if not done in a planned way, creates isolated pits of considerable size in the submergence area which may have lower bottom levels than the main storage. Because of this isolation, water collected in these pits never reach to the main storage, it only seeps or evaporates. Thus, desilting said to be carried out for increasing storage capacity, practically reduces the actual utilizable storage in most of the cases.

Removing surface soil to check eutrophication, is like giving treatment for symptoms instead of the disease. Unless we check the inflow of untreated sewage in lakes, it is not possible to reduce the nitrate or phosphate contents. Therefore, it is better to invest funds on checking of sewage inflow than on removing surface soil for the purpose so as to have permanent solution of the problem.

When used in farms and gardens, silt acts as a natural manure and increases water holding capacity of the soil. It is also an essential ingredient of the soil mix used for making bricks, kelus, etc. Because of this, silt is regularly taken away by the beneficiaries at their own cost and the off take is sometimes even more than the deposition. Thus, instead of spending money on desilting, the government should charge royalty for the silt used by beneficiaries considering it as a mineral. This will generate funds for regular maintenance of lakes. Full article is given below.

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Maintain a Home Office

As we grow, the activities like telephone, mobile and gas connections, insurance and mediclaim policies, driving license, lease/purchase of flat or other property, medical check ups, school/college admissions of kids, obtaining and renewal of passport, opening of savings and dmat accounts, shares and bonds, income tax returns etc. continue to increase. For all such activities, we have to initially apply in a set form, deposit some money, obtain the documents and then file or receive periodic statements or returns. In many cases, the original receipts of deposits are required when the facility is to be discontinued. Similarly, the conditions mentioned in the original documents are of importance when there is some dispute. In many cases, lack of well planned documentation results in financial or service loss.

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Friendship with Sun-rays – Always Pays

We are experiencing that diseases like high blood pressure, heart attack, asthma, etc. are becoming very common now a days even in early age. Just by chance, I started surfing on the net, to know the causes and cures for such diseases and to my surprise, I found that lot of research results are available which show that reducing exposure to sun rays is one of the main causes for such diseases.

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पानी की मात्रा व प्रवाह से संबंधित मुख्य इकाइयां

 पानी की मात्रा व प्रवाह से संबंधित मुख्य इकाइयां

– ज्ञान प्रकाश सोनी

जल यानि पानी से संबंधित समाचारों, लेखों और आँकडों में इसके भंडारण, प्रवाह की गति और मात्रा आदि को दर्शाने के लिये कई इकाइयों का उपयोग होता है जो ब्रिटिश या मेट्रिक प्रणाली में होती हैं। कई बार पूरी इकाई लिखने के बजाय उसका संक्षिप्त रूप जैसे क्यूसेक, क्यूमेक, एमसीएफ़टी, एलपीडी, एलपीएस आदि लिखा जाता है  जिसे अंग्रेज़ी में  तो आसानी से समझा जा सकता है लेकिन हिंदी में कभी कभी कठिनाई रहती हे। इस कठिनाई को दूर करने के लिये पानी की मात्रा व प्रवाह से संबंधित मुख्य इकाइयों के प्रचलित संक्षिप्त रूप और उनके भावार्थ नीचे की तालिका में दिये गए हैं।

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लताएं – मन को लुभाएं

लताएं – मन को लुभाएं

– ज्ञानप्रकाश सोनी

मुख्य प्रवेश द्वार पर मधुमालती लता

पर्यावरण संरक्षण और पानी बचाने का महत्व किसी से छिपा नहीं है। पौधे कार्बन डाई ऑक्साइड अवशोषित कर हमें ऑक्सीजन देते हैं और इनके पत्ते चलती हवा से धूल के कण अपनी सतह पर रोक कर हवा में धूल के कणों की मात्रा घटाते हैं यह भी हम सब जानते हैं। पौधों की जड़ें जमीन से पानी खींचतीं हैं और इनके पत्ते इस पानी को वाष्पोत्सर्जित करते हैं जिससे हवा का तापमान और सूखापन घटता है यह भी सर्वविदित है। लताओं के कारण दीवारों पर धूप कम आ पाती हे जिससे भवन में गर्मी घटती है। इस प्रकार पर्यावरण संरक्षण के लिये पौधों का महत्व स्पष्ट है और इसीलिये अपने घरों में पौधे लगाने की परम्परा रही है। लताएं कम भूमि और कम पानी में अधिक हरियाली प्रदान करती हैं व छाया देती हैं साथ ही रंग रंगीले फूलों से घर आंगन की शोभा भी बढ़ती हैं। इस कारण इन्हें घरों या कार्यालयों के प्रवेश स्थल,  दीवारों के साथ साथ या किनारों पर लगाना बहुत ही उपयोगी रहता है। Continue reading

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M.C.B.s (Miniature Circuit Breakers) – Hidden current eaters

Mini Circuit BreakerIn modern electrical wiring of a home or office, providing M.C.B.s at various points of distribution is very common. This facility is very useful in case of overload or short circuit and saves the wiring from damages but it consumes power constantly just to be ready for automatic shutoff of power and therefore needs careful consideration before installation in view of the need for saving electricity.

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